Hi! I am An Rodriguez and you are visiting the den of my thoughts.


Why An’s Den?

I needed a place to write freely and stop driving my friends crazy with so much chatter.

Also, all of the people I admire have written down their ideas. And so, I want to follow their steps and to contribute in my own way to humankind’s world knowledge.

What has An done with his life so far?

By far, the most important thing I’ve done is contributing to bringing my daughter into this world.

I am also proud of being a self-learner. I’ve navigated my waters through fundamental physics, philosophy, literature, non-literature, arts (I like playing music mostly, but also painting or writing), languages, computation and technology.

I am also an immigrant to the United States of America. Not an easy feat (though I didn’t have it particularly bad either).

A friend of mine told me recently (he’s also self-exiled) that one of the things he had learned, after all these years, was to recognize all that we had left behind and that we didn’t consciously know we had, but fulfilled us on the inside: friends everywhere, cozy holiday parties with family and a big etcetera.

Perhaps the second most important thing I’ve done so far, was to embark on multiple experimental journeys that I’ll be finally writing about.

Please feel free to ask me anything in my about me